Vaark is...

Vaark currently supports Intel guests on Intel hardware via VirtualBox. Vaark is currently being ported to use QEMU so it will also support Apple Silicon (M1, M2, ...).

Quick Install

Paste this command into a terminal prompt on Mac or Linux*:

source /dev/stdin <<< "$(curl -fsSL"

    * on Linux, you might need to install curl first.

The installer will alert you about any dependencies.

See Installing Vaark And Dependencies for further details.

Quick Start 1 — Just a VM, please

  1. Make a minimal clone of any popular linux distribution. Let’s call it “bessie
    vrk-vm-clone debian-netinst-11 bessie
    (Your choices are:)
    • debian-netinst-10-13-0
    • debian-netinst-11-6-0
    • ubuntu-server-20-04-5
    • ubuntu-server-22-04-1
    • almalinux-minimal-8-7-1  # redhat
    • almalinux-minimal-9-1-1  # redhat
    • rockylinux-minimal-8-7-0 # redhat
    • rockylinux-minimal-9-1-0 # redhat
    • oraclelinux-server-8-7-0 # redhat
    • oraclelinux-server-9-1-0 # redhat
  2. Start the VM and connect
    vrk-vm-ssh bessie

Quick Start 2 — Minimal Project

  1. Create a 2-line Vaark project file (project.vrk) defining a single Debian VM, called “holstein
    mkdir -p ~/my-cluster
    echo '[holstein.vm]'                >  ~/my-cluster/project.vrk
    echo '  vm_proto=debian-netinst-11' >> ~/my-cluster/project.vrk
  2. Build the project
    vrk-project-build --file ~/my-cluster
  3. Start the VM and connect
    vrk-vm-ssh holstein

Quick Start 3 — Template Project

  1. Use vrk-project-starter to start a project called herd using a simple template.

    The default template defines 2 VMs – one client and one server.
    vrk-project-starter ./herd
  2. Build the project
  3. Start the VMs and connect
    vrk-vm-ssh herd-client
    vrk-vm-ssh herd-server
  4. To make changes, edit the files in ./herd/ and build again!

Documentation, Source, and More!

Visit the Vaark project on Gitlab